Chris Schaffer presenting at Science on Tap on March 27, 2019
Designed to appeal to all audiences “Science on Tap” aims to connect the Ithaca community with Cornell researchers in an authentic seminar setting. Chris Schaffer will be presenting “Unexpectedly stalled: The long path to uncovering the causes and consequences of brain blood flow disruptions in Alzheimer’s disease”.
Chris Xu will deliver a plenary talk at CLEO 2019.
Imaging Deeper and Faster: Watching the Brain in Action with Ultrafast Lasers
Brain research is a multi-disciplinary endeavor, and inspires the development of innovative measurement tools. By pushing the boundaries of imaging depth and speed, nonlinear optical microscopy enables large-scale, non-invasive monitoring of brain activity in live animals, and is poised to play a major role in understanding how brains work.